15. studenog 2016. od 12:00 do 14:00 Velika vijećnica Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a safe, effective, non-destructive and non-invasive inspection technique, providing...
28. listopad 2016. od 12:00 do 16:00 Velika vijećnica, FESB Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) literature and standards are mostly based upon “worst” cases approaches...
26. listopada 2016. od 12:00 do 14:00 Velika vijećnica, FESB Abstract Over the last decade, the interest for low-carbon vehicle technologies has surged...
18. listopada 2016. od 14:30 do 15:30 Sjeverni toranj 2. kat,Sveučilišna knjižnica Studenti završne godine ili oni koji su nedavno diplomirali, a koji...
09. rujna 2016. od 10:00 do 12:00 A302, Predavaonica S. Tkachenko, University of Magdeburg, Germany Investigation of the propagation of currents and voltages along...
24. svibnja 2016. od 09:00 do 11:00 A100, amfiteatar Join our academic event! Advantages of using MATLAB, SIMULINK, and COMSOL Multiphysics in education...