Method of Modal Basis and a Novel Format of Maxwell’s Equations

Pozivaju se zainteresirani studenti i nastavnici na predavanje koje će održati profesor Fatih Erden sa Turkish Naval Academy na temu “Method of Modal Basis and a Novel Format of Maxwell’s Equations“. Predavanje će se održati u Maloj vijećnici Fakulteta u četvrtak, 29. kolovoza 2024. od 11:00 do 12:00 sati.




Professor Fatih Erden began his career with his graduation from the Turkish Naval High School in 1996 and the Naval Academy in 2000, where he was trained as both a Naval Officer and Electrical and Electronics Engineer. He is currently serving as the Deputy General Manager of Naval Shipyards in Turkey, a position he was appointed to following his promotion to Rear Admiral (Lower Half) effective August 30, 2024.


Throughout his career, Professor Erden has held several positions. He served as the Navigation Officer on the Turkish Navy’s hydrographic and oceanographic survey ship from 2000 to 2002 and as the Executive Officer on a patrol boat from 2002 to 2004. He then moved to the Guided Missile Engineering Center, where he was Head of the System Department from 2004 to 2008, and later worked as the Guided Missile Project Officer at the Turkish Naval Headquarters from 2008 to 2010. During this period, he earned his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the Gebze Institute of Technology in Turkey.


From 2010 to 2024, Professor Erden was a faculty member in the Electronics Engineering department at the Turkish Naval Academy, part of the National Defence University. He also conducted post-doctoral research at the University of Illinois and the University of California, focusing on analytical and numerical electromagnetics. In November 2018, he was awarded the title of Associate Professor in Electrical and Electronics Engineering by the Interuniversity Board of Türkiye.


In addition to his academic and naval roles, Professor Erden serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Naval Sciences and Engineering and is an active referee for various international scientific journals and conferences.


Professor Erden has a history of collaboration with the FESB of the University of Split. He participated in the Symposium for Environmental Electromagnetic Compatibility of SoftCOM and visited as an Erasmus lecturer in 2014, 2015, and 2016. He has also served as a referee for the SoftCOM conferences.
