26. listopada 2016. |
od 12:00 do 14:00 |
Velika vijećnica, FESB |
Over the last decade, the interest for low-carbon vehicle technologies has surged among both governments and automotive manufacturers across and beyond the European Union (EU). Great hopes have been put, first, on biofuel vehicles and more recently (as the enthusiasm for biofuels cooled off) on electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) as key technologies to mitigate climate change, enhance energy security and encourage new industry branches within the automotive sector. So electrification of transport has been seen as a key strategy to reduce CO2 emissions from the transport sector.
The main challenge toward EVs and HEVs is to keep driving for longer distance (which has been always fields for competition among traction industries) as well as lifetime of huge and expensive battery cells as storage system. As a result, these indicate importance of power converter efficiency as a key gate for next generations of these up coming vehicles. The next parameter is the quality of output voltage/current (especially suppressing low-order harmonics) to reduce the size of input/output EMC filters.
The aim of this presentation is to achieve better efficiency and output voltage/current quality by proposing novel power converter and space vector PWM methods while imposing negligible modification on power converter topology such that dual-inverter is proposed to supply open-end motor from both sides. Our proposed methods are competitive solutions to be applied in HEVs and EVs and bring superior efficiency and voltage/current harmonic features and reduce common mode voltage and current.
Dual-inverter, efficiency, electric vehicle, hybrid electric vehicle, open-end motor, power converts, voltage/current THD, EMC, Common mode.