28. travnja 2016 |
od 09:00 do 20:00 |
B526, Laboratorij |
studentima preddiplomskih, diplomskih i poslijediplomskih studija, nastavnicima i istraživačima
u jednodnevnoj radionici o inovacijama i poduzetništvu:
Crash Course on Innovation& Entrepreneurship
Pod pokroviteljstvom:
EIT Digital (European Institute of Technology)
- To perform a concept creation and business proposal formulation process in the con of a societal relevant thematic area.
- To identify/assess the impact of ICT technologies and innovations in the thematic area, for its markets and stakeholders (competitors, alliances, networks) and the business opportunities they create.
- To understand user-centricity, business modelling, business life cycles, global market trends, industry value chains, market segments, IPR issues, financial and risk-related issues, and recognizing their relative importance for product/service and business development.
- To transform new ideas and business innovations into viable business solutions.
- To apply personal presentation and communications skills.
- To apply decision-making and leadership competencies.
- To reflect upon ethical, societal, scientific and sustainability considerations when developing new products/technologies and business models.
- Studenti se mogu prijaviti za natječaj za školarine za sudjelovanje u ljetnoj školi u Trentu, Italija od 14. do 19. prosinca 2015.
Kad: 28. travnja 2016. u 9:00 sati
Gdje: FESB, lab B526
Dodatne informacije: begusic@fesb.hr